Psalm 69 – The Voice
For the worship leader. A song of David to the tune “Lilies.”[a]
This Davidic lament complains to God of enemies, false witnesses,
insults, abandonment by friends and family, and even poisoning. Early
Christians interpreted this psalm prophetically in order to understand Jesus’
experience in His suffering and death on the cross.
1 Reach down for me, True God; deliver me.
The waters have risen to my neck; I am going down!
2 My feet are swallowed in this murky bog;
I am sinking—there is no sturdy ground.
I am in the deep;
the floods are crashing in!
3 I am weary of howling;
my throat is scratched dry.
I still look for my God
even though my eyes fail.
The waters have risen to my neck; I am going down!
2 My feet are swallowed in this murky bog;
I am sinking—there is no sturdy ground.
I am in the deep;
the floods are crashing in!
3 I am weary of howling;
my throat is scratched dry.
I still look for my God
even though my eyes fail.
4 My enemies
despise me without any cause;
they outnumber the hairs on my head.
They torment me with their power;
they have absolutely no reason to hate me.
Now I am set to pay for crimes
I have never committed!
5 O True God, my foolish ways are plain before You;
my mistakes—no, nothing can be hidden from You.
they outnumber the hairs on my head.
They torment me with their power;
they have absolutely no reason to hate me.
Now I am set to pay for crimes
I have never committed!
5 O True God, my foolish ways are plain before You;
my mistakes—no, nothing can be hidden from You.
6 Don’t let
Your hopeful followers face disgrace because of me,
O Lord, Eternal One, Commander of heaven’s armies;
Don’t let Your seekers be shamed on account of me,
O True God of Israel.
7 I have been mocked when I stood up for You;
I cower, shamefaced.
8 You know my brothers and sisters?
They now reject me—they act as if I never existed.
I’m like a stranger to my own family.
O Lord, Eternal One, Commander of heaven’s armies;
Don’t let Your seekers be shamed on account of me,
O True God of Israel.
7 I have been mocked when I stood up for You;
I cower, shamefaced.
8 You know my brothers and sisters?
They now reject me—they act as if I never existed.
I’m like a stranger to my own family.
9 And here’s
why: I am consumed with You, completely devoted to protecting Your house;
when they insult You, they insult me.
10 When I mourn and discipline my soul by fasting,
they deride me.
11 And when I put on sackcloth,
they mock me.
12 Those who sit at the gate gossip about me;
I am shamed by the slurred songs of drunkards.
when they insult You, they insult me.
10 When I mourn and discipline my soul by fasting,
they deride me.
11 And when I put on sackcloth,
they mock me.
12 Those who sit at the gate gossip about me;
I am shamed by the slurred songs of drunkards.
13 But,
Eternal One, I just pray the time is right
that You would hear me. And, True God,
because You are enduring love, that You would answer.
In Your faithfulness, please, save me.
14 Pluck me from this murky bog;
don’t let it pull me down!
Pull me from this rising water;
take me away from my enemies to dry land.
15 Don’t let the flood take me under
or let me, Your servant, be swallowed into the deep
or let the yawning pit seal me in!
that You would hear me. And, True God,
because You are enduring love, that You would answer.
In Your faithfulness, please, save me.
14 Pluck me from this murky bog;
don’t let it pull me down!
Pull me from this rising water;
take me away from my enemies to dry land.
15 Don’t let the flood take me under
or let me, Your servant, be swallowed into the deep
or let the yawning pit seal me in!
16 O Eternal
One, hear me. Answer
me. For Your enduring love is good comfort;
in Your great mercy, turn toward me.
17 Yes, shine Your face upon me, Your servant;
put an end to my anguish—don’t wait another minute.
18 Come near; rescue me!
Set me free from my enemies.
in Your great mercy, turn toward me.
17 Yes, shine Your face upon me, Your servant;
put an end to my anguish—don’t wait another minute.
18 Come near; rescue me!
Set me free from my enemies.
19 You know
all my opponents;
You see them, see the way they treat me—
humiliating me with insults, trying to disgrace me.
20 All this ridicule has broken my heart,
killed my spirit.
I searched for sympathy, and I came up empty.
I looked for supporters, but there was no one.
21 Even more, they gave me poison for my food
and offered me only sour vinegar to drink.
You see them, see the way they treat me—
humiliating me with insults, trying to disgrace me.
20 All this ridicule has broken my heart,
killed my spirit.
I searched for sympathy, and I came up empty.
I looked for supporters, but there was no one.
21 Even more, they gave me poison for my food
and offered me only sour vinegar to drink.
22 Let them be
ambushed at the dinner table,
caught in a trap when they least expect it.
23 Cloud their vision so they cannot see;
make their bodies shake, their knees knock in terror.
24 Pour out Your fiery wrath upon them!
Make a clean sweep; engulf them with Your flaming fury.
25 May their camps be bleak
with not one left in any tent.
26 Because they have persecuted the one You have struck,
add insult to those whom You have wounded.
27 Compound their sins; don’t let them off the hook!
Keep them from entering into Your mercy.
28 Blot out their names from Your book of life
so they will not be recorded alongside those who are upright before You.
29 I am living in pain; I’m suffering,
so save me, True God, and keep me safe in troubled times!
caught in a trap when they least expect it.
23 Cloud their vision so they cannot see;
make their bodies shake, their knees knock in terror.
24 Pour out Your fiery wrath upon them!
Make a clean sweep; engulf them with Your flaming fury.
25 May their camps be bleak
with not one left in any tent.
26 Because they have persecuted the one You have struck,
add insult to those whom You have wounded.
27 Compound their sins; don’t let them off the hook!
Keep them from entering into Your mercy.
28 Blot out their names from Your book of life
so they will not be recorded alongside those who are upright before You.
29 I am living in pain; I’m suffering,
so save me, True God, and keep me safe in troubled times!
30 The name of
the True God will be my song,
an uplifting tune of praise and thanksgiving!
31 My praise will please the Eternal more than if I were to sacrifice an ox
or the finest bull. (Horns, hooves, and all!)
32 Those who humbly serve will see and rejoice!
All you seekers-after-God will revive your souls!
33 The Eternal listens to the prayers of the poor
and has regard for His people held in bondage.
an uplifting tune of praise and thanksgiving!
31 My praise will please the Eternal more than if I were to sacrifice an ox
or the finest bull. (Horns, hooves, and all!)
32 Those who humbly serve will see and rejoice!
All you seekers-after-God will revive your souls!
33 The Eternal listens to the prayers of the poor
and has regard for His people held in bondage.
34 All God’s
creation: join
together in His praise! All heaven, all earth,
all seas, all creatures of the ocean deep!
35 The True God will save Zion
and rebuild the cities of Judah
So that His servants may own it and live there once again.
36 Their children and children’s children shall have it as their inheritance,
and those who love His name will live in it.
all seas, all creatures of the ocean deep!
35 The True God will save Zion
and rebuild the cities of Judah
So that His servants may own it and live there once again.
36 Their children and children’s children shall have it as their inheritance,
and those who love His name will live in it.
- 69:title Hebrew, shoshannim, white lily-like flowers, perhaps the melody to which the song is sung
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Псалтирь 69 (68)
Psalm 69 -- Russian Synodal Bible
(68-1) ^^Начальнику хора. На Шошанниме. Псалом Давида.^^
(68-2) Спаси меня, Боже, ибо воды дошли до души [моей].
2 (68-3) Я погряз в глубоком болоте, и не на чем стать;
вошел во глубину вод, и быстрое течение их увлекает меня.
3 (68-4) Я изнемог от вопля, засохла гортань моя,
истомились глаза мои от ожидания Бога [моего].
4 (68-5) Ненавидящих меня без вины больше, нежели волос на
голове моей; враги мои, преследующие меня несправедливо, усилились; чего я не
отнимал, то должен отдать.
5 (68-6) Боже! Ты знаешь безумие мое, и грехи мои не
сокрыты от Тебя.
6 (68-7) Да не постыдятся во мне все, надеющиеся на Тебя,
Господи, Боже сил. Да не посрамятся во мне ищущие Тебя, Боже Израилев,
7 (68-8) ибо ради Тебя несу я поношение, и бесчестием
покрывают лице мое.
8 (68-9) Чужим стал я для братьев моих и посторонним для
сынов матери моей,
9 (68-10) ибо ревность по доме Твоем снедает меня, и
злословия злословящих Тебя падают на меня;
10 (68-11) и плачу, постясь душею моею, и это ставят в
поношение мне;
11 (68-12) и возлагаю на себя вместо одежды вретище, --и
делаюсь для них притчею;
12 (68-13) о мне толкуют сидящие у ворот, и поют в песнях
пьющие вино.
13 (68-14) А я с молитвою моею к Тебе, Господи; во время
благоугодное, Боже, по великой благости Твоей услышь меня в истине спасения
14 (68-15) извлеки меня из тины, чтобы не погрязнуть мне; да
избавлюсь от ненавидящих меня и от глубоких вод;
15 (68-16) да не увлечет меня стремление вод, да не поглотит
меня пучина, да не затворит надо мною пропасть зева своего.
16 (68-17) Услышь меня, Господи, ибо блага милость Твоя; по
множеству щедрот Твоих призри на меня;
17 (68-18) не скрывай лица Твоего от раба Твоего, ибо я
скорблю; скоро услышь меня;
18 (68-19) приблизься к душе моей, избавь ее; ради врагов
моих спаси меня.
19 (68-20) Ты знаешь поношение мое, стыд мой и посрамление
мое: враги мои все пред Тобою.
20 (68-21) Поношение сокрушило сердце мое, и я изнемог, ждал
сострадания, но нет его, --утешителей, но не нахожу.
21 (68-22) И дали мне в пищу желчь, и в жажде моей напоили
меня уксусом.
22 (68-23) Да будет трапеза их сетью им, и мирное пиршество
23 (68-24) да помрачатся глаза их, чтоб им не видеть, и
чресла их расслабь навсегда;
24 (68-25) излей на них ярость Твою, и пламень гнева Твоего
да обымет их;
25 (68-26) жилище их да будет пусто, и в шатрах их да не
будет живущих,
26 (68-27) ибо, кого Ты поразил, они [еще] преследуют, и
страдания уязвленных Тобою умножают.
27 (68-28) Приложи беззаконие к беззаконию их, и да не
войдут они в правду Твою;
28 (68-29) да изгладятся они из книги живых и с праведниками
да не напишутся.
29 (68-30) А я беден и страдаю; помощь Твоя, Боже, да
восставит меня.
30 (68-31) Я буду славить имя Бога [моего] в песни, буду
превозносить Его в славословии,
31 (68-32) и будет это благоугоднее Господу, нежели вол,
нежели телец с рогами и с копытами.
32 (68-33) Увидят [это] страждущие и возрадуются. И оживет
сердце ваше, ищущие Бога,
33 (68-34) ибо Господь внемлет нищим и не пренебрегает
узников Своих.
34 (68-35) Да восхвалят Его небеса и земля, моря и все
движущееся в них;
35 (68-36) ибо спасет Бог Сион, создаст города Иудины, и
поселятся там и наследуют его,
36 (68-37) и потомство рабов Его утвердится в нем, и любящие
имя Его будут поселяться на нем.
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Psalm 73 – The Voice
Book Three
Many of the psalms in Book Three (Psalms
73–89) are attributed to Asaph. He was a Levite musician appointed
by David to lead the worship that surrounded the covenant chest in the
congregation tent (1
Chronicles 16:4–6). Asaph and his descendants continued this work
through much of Israel’s history, specifically when Solomon dedicated the
temple (2
Chronicles 5:12), when Josiah revived the worship of the Eternal One
in Jerusalem (2
Chronicles 35:15), and when Ezra and Nehemiah dedicated the wall
around Jerusalem (Nehemiah
The psalms attributed to Asaph were liturgical, that is,
they were chanted or sung as a part of the regular worship of God in the temple
by the priests, Levites, and perhaps other worshipers too. Whether songs of
lament, requests for guidance, or pleas for mercy, these psalms were sung in
the one place God would hear them best—at His temple—the nexus between heaven
and earth.
Psalm 73
A song of Asaph.
1 Truly
God is good to His people, Israel,
to those with pure hearts.
2 Though I know this is true, I almost lost my footing;
yes, my steps were on slippery ground. 3 You see, there was a time when I envied arrogant men
and thought, “The wicked look pretty happy to me.”
to those with pure hearts.
2 Though I know this is true, I almost lost my footing;
yes, my steps were on slippery ground. 3 You see, there was a time when I envied arrogant men
and thought, “The wicked look pretty happy to me.”
4 For they seem to live carefree
lives, free of suffering;
their bodies are strong and healthy.
5 They don’t know trouble as we do;
they are not plagued with problems as the rest of us are. 6 They’ve got pearls of pride strung around their necks;
they clothe their bodies with violence. 7 They have so much more than enough.
Their eyes bulge because they are so fat with possessions.
They have more than their hearts could have ever imagined. 8 There is nothing sacred, and no one is safe.
Vicious sarcasm drips from their lips;
they bully and threaten to crush their enemies. 9 They even mock God as if He were not above;
their arrogant tongues boast throughout the earth; they feel invincible.
their bodies are strong and healthy.
5 They don’t know trouble as we do;
they are not plagued with problems as the rest of us are. 6 They’ve got pearls of pride strung around their necks;
they clothe their bodies with violence. 7 They have so much more than enough.
Their eyes bulge because they are so fat with possessions.
They have more than their hearts could have ever imagined. 8 There is nothing sacred, and no one is safe.
Vicious sarcasm drips from their lips;
they bully and threaten to crush their enemies. 9 They even mock God as if He were not above;
their arrogant tongues boast throughout the earth; they feel invincible.
10 Even God’s people turn and are carried away by them;
they watch and listen, yet find no fault in them.
11 You will hear them say, “How can the True God possiblyknow anyway? He’s not even here.
So how can the Most High have any knowledge of what happens here?” 12 Let me tell you what I know about the wicked:
they are comfortably at rest while their wealth is growing and growing. 13 Oh, let this not be me! It seems I have scrubbed my heart to keep it clean
and washed my hands in innocence.
And for what? Nothing. 14 For all day long, I am being punished,
each day awakening to stern chastisement.
they watch and listen, yet find no fault in them.
11 You will hear them say, “How can the True God possiblyknow anyway? He’s not even here.
So how can the Most High have any knowledge of what happens here?” 12 Let me tell you what I know about the wicked:
they are comfortably at rest while their wealth is growing and growing. 13 Oh, let this not be me! It seems I have scrubbed my heart to keep it clean
and washed my hands in innocence.
And for what? Nothing. 14 For all day long, I am being punished,
each day awakening to stern chastisement.
15 If I had said to
others these kinds of things about
the plight of God’s good people,
then I know I would have betrayed the next generation.
16 Trying to solve this mystery on my own exhausted me;
I couldn’t bear to look at it any further. 17 So I took my questions to the True God,
and in His sanctuary I realized something so chilling and final: their lives have a deadly end. 18 Because You have certainly set the wicked upon a slippery slope,
You’ve set them up to slide to their destruction. 19 And they won’t see it coming. It will happen so fast:
first, a flash of terror, and then desolation. 20 It is like a dream from which someone awakes.
You will wake up, Lord, and loathe what has become of them. 21 You see, my heart overflowed with bitterness and cynicism;
I felt as if someone stabbed me in the back. 22 But I didn’t know the truth;
I have been acting like a stupid animal toward You. 23 But look at this: You are still holding my right hand;
You have been all along. 24 Even though I was angry and hard-hearted, You gave me good advice;
when it’s all over, You will receive me into Your glory. 25 For all my wanting, I don’t have anyone but You in heaven.
There is nothing on earth that I desire other than You. 26 I admit how broken I am in body and spirit,
but God is my strength, and He will be mine forever.
then I know I would have betrayed the next generation.
16 Trying to solve this mystery on my own exhausted me;
I couldn’t bear to look at it any further. 17 So I took my questions to the True God,
and in His sanctuary I realized something so chilling and final: their lives have a deadly end. 18 Because You have certainly set the wicked upon a slippery slope,
You’ve set them up to slide to their destruction. 19 And they won’t see it coming. It will happen so fast:
first, a flash of terror, and then desolation. 20 It is like a dream from which someone awakes.
You will wake up, Lord, and loathe what has become of them. 21 You see, my heart overflowed with bitterness and cynicism;
I felt as if someone stabbed me in the back. 22 But I didn’t know the truth;
I have been acting like a stupid animal toward You. 23 But look at this: You are still holding my right hand;
You have been all along. 24 Even though I was angry and hard-hearted, You gave me good advice;
when it’s all over, You will receive me into Your glory. 25 For all my wanting, I don’t have anyone but You in heaven.
There is nothing on earth that I desire other than You. 26 I admit how broken I am in body and spirit,
but God is my strength, and He will be mine forever.
27 It will happen: whoever shuns You will be silenced
You will bring an end to all who refuse to be true to You.
28 But the closer I am to You, my God, the better because life with You is good.
O Lord, the Eternal, You keep me safe—
I will tell everyone what You have done.
You will bring an end to all who refuse to be true to You.
28 But the closer I am to You, my God, the better because life with You is good.
O Lord, the Eternal, You keep me safe—
I will tell everyone what You have done.
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Псалтирь 73 (72)
Psalm 73 -- Russian Synodal Bible
(72-1) ^^Псалом Асафа.^^ Как благ
Бог к Израилю, к чистым сердцем!
2 (72-2) А я--едва не пошатнулись ноги мои, едва не
поскользнулись стопы мои, --
3 (72-3) я позавидовал безумным, видя благоденствие
4 (72-4) ибо им нет страданий до смерти их, и крепки
силы их;
5 (72-5) на работе человеческой нет их, и с [прочими]
людьми не подвергаются ударам.
6 (72-6) Оттого гордость, как ожерелье, обложила их,
и дерзость, [как] наряд, одевает их;
7 (72-7) выкатились от жира глаза их, бродят помыслы
в сердце;
8 (72-8) над всем издеваются, злобно разглашают
клевету, говорят свысока;
9 (72-9) поднимают к небесам уста свои, и язык их
расхаживает по земле.
10 (72-10) Потому туда же обращается народ Его, и пьют
воду полною чашею,
11 (72-11) и говорят: 'как узнает Бог? и есть ли
ведение у Вышнего?'
12 (72-12) И вот, эти нечестивые благоденствуют в веке
сем, умножают богатство.
13 (72-13) так не напрасно ли я очищал сердце мое и
омывал в невинности руки мои,
14 (72-14) и подвергал себя ранам всякий день и
обличениям всякое утро?
15 (72-15) [Но] если бы я сказал: 'буду рассуждать
так', --то я виновен был бы пред родом сынов Твоих.
16 (72-16) И думал я, как бы уразуметь это, но это
трудно было в глазах моих,
17 (72-17) доколе не вошел я во святилище Божие и не
уразумел конца их.
18 (72-18) Так! на скользких путях поставил Ты их и
низвергаешь их в пропасти.
19 (72-19) Как нечаянно пришли они в разорение,
исчезли, погибли от ужасов!
20 (72-20) Как сновидение по пробуждении, так Ты,
Господи, пробудив [их], уничтожишь мечты их.
21 (72-21) Когда кипело сердце мое, и терзалась
внутренность моя,
22 (72-22) тогда я был невежда и не разумел; как скот
был я пред Тобою.
23 (72-23) Но я всегда с Тобою: Ты держишь меня за
правую руку;
24 (72-24) Ты руководишь меня советом Твоим и потом
примешь меня в славу.
25 (72-25) Кто мне на небе? и с Тобою ничего не хочу
на земле.
26 (72-26) Изнемогает плоть моя и сердце мое: Бог
твердыня сердца моего и часть моя вовек.
27 (72-27) Ибо вот, удаляющие себя от Тебя гибнут; Ты
истребляешь всякого отступающего от Тебя.
28 (72-28) А мне благо приближаться к Богу! На Господа
Бога я возложил упование мое, чтобы возвещать все дела Твои.
Hebrew Bible
Exodus 1:16-22 – The Voice
Pharaoh: 16 Listen
closely. Whenever you are looking after a Hebrew woman who is in labor
and ready to deliver, if she gives birth to a son, then kill the baby. If it is
a daughter, then allow her to live.
17 But the midwives respected
God more than they feared Pharaoh,so they did not carry out the
Egyptian king’s command. Instead, they let all the boys live. 18 When
Egypt’s king heard this news, he sent for the midwives.
Pharaoh: Why have you
disobeyed my orders and allowed the boys to live?
Midwives: 19 Because
unlike Egyptian women, Hebrew women are hearty and energetic,
and they give birth before the midwife arrives to help.
20 God was good to the
midwives, and under their care the Israelite women had many
more children. Despite Pharaoh’s orders, the people of Israel
became stronger and more powerful.21 Because the
midwives respected God, He blessed them with families of their own. 22 In
response to the rapid growth in the Hebrew population, Pharaoh
issued a command to his people.
Pharaoh: Every boy who is born to
the Hebrews must be thrown into the Nile, and every girl is to be left
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Исход 1:16-22
Exodus 1:16-22 -- Russian Slovo Zhizny
16 – Когда вы будете принимать роды у
еврейских женщин, то следите за ними на родильном стуле: если родится мальчик –
убивайте его, а если девочка – оставляйте в живых.
17 Но повитухи боялись Бога и не исполняли приказ
египетского царя. Они оставляли мальчиков в живых. 18 Царь Египта вызвал повитух и спросил:
– Зачем вы это делаете? Зачем оставляете мальчиков
в живых?
19 Повитухи
ответили фараону:
– Еврейские женщины – не такие, как египетские: они
крепкие и рожают еще до прихода повитух.
20 За это Бог был милостив к повитухам, а народ
продолжал увеличиваться и стал еще многочисленнее. 21 За то, что повитухи боялись Бога, Он даровал им в
награду семьи и детей[a]. 22 Тогда фараон приказал своему народу:
– Каждого мальчика, который рождается у евреев, бросайте в реку Нил, а девочек оставляйте в
- Исход 1:21 Он даровал им в награду семьи и детей – букв.: «Он сделал им дома».
1 Corinthians 12:12-26 – The Voice
12 Just as a body is one whole made up of many different
parts, and all the different parts comprise the one body, so it is with the
Anointed One. 13 We were all ceremonially washed through baptism[a] together
into one body by one Spirit. No matter our heritage—Jew
or Greek, insider or outsider—no matter our status—oppressed or free—we
were all given the one Spirit to drink.14 Here’s
what I mean: the body is not made of one large part but of many different
parts. 15 Would it seem right for the foot to cry, “I am not a
hand, so I couldn’t be part of this body”? Even if it did, it wouldn’t be any
less joined to the body. 16 And what about an ear? If an ear started to whine, “I am
not an eye; I shouldn’t be attached to this body,” in all its pouting, it is
still part of the body. 17 Imagine the entire body as an eye. How would a giant eye
be able to hear? And if the entire body were an ear, how would an ear be able
to smell? 18 This is where God comes in. God
has meticulously put this body together; He placed each part in the exact place
to perform the exact function He wanted. 19 If all members were a single part, where would the body
be? 20 So now, many members function within
the one body. 21 The eye cannot wail at the hand, “I have no need for
you,” nor could the head bellow at the feet, “I won’t go one more step with
you.”22 It’s actually the
opposite. The members who seem to have the weaker functions are necessary to
keep the body moving; 23 the body parts that seem less important we treat as some
of the most valuable; and those unfit, untamed, unpresentable members we treat
with an even greater modesty. 24 That’s something the more presentable members don’t need.
But God designed the body in such a way that greater significance is given to
the seemingly insignificant
part. 25 That way there should be no division in the body;
instead, all the parts mutually depend on and care for one another. 26 If one part is suffering, then all the members suffer
alongside it. If one member is honored, then all the members celebrate
alongside it.
- 12:13 Literally, immersed, in a rite of initiation and purification
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1-е Коринфянам 12:12-26
1 Corinthians 12:12-26 -- Russian Slovo Zhizny
Одно тело и много членов
12 Подобно тому, как тело состоит из
многих органов, составляющих в совокупности одно тело, так же и Христос. 13 Мы все крещены одним Духом и соединены в одно тело,
будь мы иудеи или греки, рабы или свободные, мы все напоены одним и тем же
Духом.14 Ведь и тело состоит не из одного органа, а из
многих. 15 Представьте себе, что бы произошло, если бы нога
вдруг сказала: «Я не принадлежу к телу, так как я не рука!». Конечно, она не
перестала бы быть частью тела. 16 Или представьте себе, если бы ухо вдруг сказало: «Я
не глаз, и поэтому я к телу не принадлежу!» Оно тоже не перестало бы быть
частью тела. 17 Если бы все тело состояло из одного глаза, то где
был бы слух? Если бы все тело состояло из уха, то где было бы обоняние? 18 Но Бог каждому органу определил Свое назначение в
теле, как Он Сам того пожелал. 19 Как тело могло бы существовать, если бы целиком
состояло из одного органа? 20 Так что органов много, но все они составляют одно
тело. 21 И глаз не может сказать руке: «Ты мне не нужна!».
Голова не может сказать ногам: «Я в вас не нуждаюсь!». 22 Наоборот, те части тела, которые нам кажутся слабее
других, на самом деле являются самыми необходимыми. 23 К тем частям тела, которые, по нашему мнению, не
заслуживают такой уж большой чести, мы относимся с большей заботой, 24 и те органы, которые считаются неприличными, мы
тщательнейшим образом прикрываем, тогда как приличные органы в этом не
нуждаются. Но Бог Сам устроил тело таким образом и внушил нам, чтобы о самых
«неблагородных» частях тела мы проявляли больше заботы, 25 чтобы в теле не было разделения, но чтобы все части
тела проявляли одинаковую заботу друг о друге. 26 Если страдает один орган, то с ним страдают и все
прочие, если прославляется один орган, с ним радуются и все остальные.
Mark 8:27-9:1 – The Voice
Bethsaida is the hometown of at least three
of Jesus’ emissaries—Peter, Andrew, and Philip—and possibly James and John as
well. Jesus performs many miracles there, most notably the feeding of the
5,000. However, this miracle—the healing of the blind man—is the only miracle
in all the Gospels that is done in stages instead of instantly.
Of course, there’s no way to know for sure why Jesus
chooses to heal this man partly before He heals him entirely. Jesus frequently
links faith, or lack of faith, with the healings. Bethsaida is a town He
criticizes for its lack of faith (Matthew 11:21–22). So it’s likely He wants to demonstrate to
His disciples that their inability to see His purpose can be healed, too, even
if it takes time.
27 As He
traveled with His disciples into the villages of Caesarea Philippi, He posed an important question
to them.
Jesus: Who
do the people say that I am?
28 They told Him about
the great speculation concerning His identity.
Disciples: Some
of them say You are John
the Baptist,[a] others
say Elijah, while others say one of the prophets of
Jesus (pressing
the question): 29 And who do you say that I am?
Peter: You
are God’s Anointed, the Liberating King.
Jesus: 30 Don’t tell anyone. It is
not yet time.
31 And He went on to teach them many things about
Himself: how the Son of Man would suffer; how He would be rejected
by the elders, chief priests, and scribes; how He would be killed; and how,
after three days, God would raise
Him from the dead.
32 He
said all these things in front of them all, but Peter took Jesus aside to
rebuke Him.
Peter represents the
best and worst in humanity. One day, Peter drops everything to become a
follower of Jesus; the next, he’s busy putting his foot in his mouth. Peter is
always responding to Jesus, frequently making mistakes, but never drifting far
from Jesus’ side. In this passage, Peter verbalizes God’s word and Satan’s
temptation—almost in the same breath. Peter thinks he understands who Jesus is,
but he still has a lot to learn about what Jesus has come to do.
Jesus (seeing His disciples surrounding them): 33 Get
behind Me, you tempter! You’re thinking only of human things, not of the things
God has planned.
34 He gathered the crowd and His disciples alike.
Jesus: If
any one of you wants to follow Me, you will have to give yourself up to God’s
plan, take up your cross, and do as I do.35 For
any one of you who wants to be rescued will lose your life, but any one of you
who loses your life for My sake and for the sake of this good news will be
liberated. 36 Really, what profit is there for you to gain the whole
world and lose yourselfin the process? 37 What can you give in exchange for your life?38 If you are ashamed of Me and of what I came
to teach to this adulterous and sinful generation, then the Son of Man will be
ashamed of you when He comes in the glory of His Father along with the holy
messengers at the final judgment.
9 Jesus: Truly,
some of you who are here now will not experience death before you see the
kingdom of God coming inglory and power.
- 8:28 Literally, John who immersed, to show repentance
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От Марка 8:27-9:1
Mark 8:27-9:1 -- Russian Slovo Zhizny
Петр признает в Иисусе Мессию
(Мат. 16:13-16,20; Лк. 9:18-21)
27 Иисус с учениками пошел в селения,
прилегающие к Кесарии Филипповой. По дороге Иисус спросил их:
– За кого принимают Меня люди?
28 Ученики ответили:
– За Иоанна Крестителя; другие же – за Илию; а
некоторые – за одного из пророков.
29 – А вы кем считаете Меня? – спросил их Иисус.
Петр ответил:
– Ты – Мессия[a].
30 Но Иисус велел им никому не говорить о Нем.
Иисус впервые говорит о Своей смерти и воскресении
(Мат. 16:21-23; Лк. 9:22)
31 И Он начал учить их, что Сыну
Человеческому предстоит много пострадать и быть отвергнутым старейшинами,
первосвященниками и учителями Закона, что Он будет убит, и через три дня
воскреснет. 32 Он прямо говорил об этом. Тогда Петр отвел Его в
сторону и стал возражать. 33 Иисус же, обернувшись и посмотрев на учеников,
строго сказал Петру:
– Прочь от Меня, сатана! Ты думаешь не о Божьем, а
о человеческом.
Что значит быть последователем Иисуса?
(Мат. 16:24-28; Лк. 9:23-27)
34 Подозвав народ и Своих учеников,
Иисус сказал им:
– Если кто хочет идти за Мной, пусть отречется от
самого себя, возьмет свой крест и пусть следует за Мной. 35 Потому что тот, кто хочет сберечь свою жизнь,
потеряет ее, а кто потеряет свою жизнь ради Меня и Радостной Вести, тот спасет
ее. 36 Ведь что пользы человеку приобрести весь мир, если
при этом он повредит своей душе? 37 И что человек может дать в обмен за свою душу? 38 Кто постыдится Меня и Моих слов в этом безбожном и
грешном поколении, того и Сын Человеческий постыдится, когда придет в славе
Своего Отца со святыми ангелами.
9 Иисус сказал им:
– Говорю вам истину: некоторые из стоящих здесь не
умрут, пока не увидят, что Божье Царство пришло в силе.
- От Марка 8:29 Мессия – по-гречески «Христос»; «Помазанник»; праведный Царь и Освободитель; Спаситель, обещанный Богом еще в Законе, Псалмах и Пророках.
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