Psalm 119:145-176 – The Voice
I called to You
wholeheartedly: “Answer me, O Eternal One!”
I will respect, I will follow Your statutes.
146 I cried out to You: “Rescue me,
and I will live according to Your decrees.”
147 I wake before the dawn and call for help;
I hope in Your words.
148 My eyes do not shut before each watch of the night
so that I can fix my mind on Your word.
149 Listen to my voice, in keeping with Your unfailing love.
Preserve my life, O Eternal One, according to Your just rulings.
150 Those who wish me harm are moving closer to me;
they are far away from Your teaching.
151 But You are near me, O Eternal One,
and all You have commanded is true.
152 I learned a long time ago
that You established Your decrees to last forever.
I will respect, I will follow Your statutes.
146 I cried out to You: “Rescue me,
and I will live according to Your decrees.”
147 I wake before the dawn and call for help;
I hope in Your words.
148 My eyes do not shut before each watch of the night
so that I can fix my mind on Your word.
149 Listen to my voice, in keeping with Your unfailing love.
Preserve my life, O Eternal One, according to Your just rulings.
150 Those who wish me harm are moving closer to me;
they are far away from Your teaching.
151 But You are near me, O Eternal One,
and all You have commanded is true.
152 I learned a long time ago
that You established Your decrees to last forever.
153 Give attention to my misery
and rescue me
because I have not forgotten Your teaching.
154 Fight for me, and set me free;
give me life in keeping with Your promise.
155 Salvation is far from the wicked
because they do not live in pursuit of Your precepts.
156 Your mercies are tender and great, O Eternal One;
grant me life in keeping with Your ordinances.
157 I have many oppressors and foes;
still I do not swerve from Your decrees.
158 I observe the faithless and detest them
because they turn away from Your word.
159 Reflect, O God, on how I love Your precepts;
give me life, O Eternal One, in keeping with Your unfailing love.
160 The entirety of Your word is truth,
and every one of Your right rulings will surely last forever.
because I have not forgotten Your teaching.
154 Fight for me, and set me free;
give me life in keeping with Your promise.
155 Salvation is far from the wicked
because they do not live in pursuit of Your precepts.
156 Your mercies are tender and great, O Eternal One;
grant me life in keeping with Your ordinances.
157 I have many oppressors and foes;
still I do not swerve from Your decrees.
158 I observe the faithless and detest them
because they turn away from Your word.
159 Reflect, O God, on how I love Your precepts;
give me life, O Eternal One, in keeping with Your unfailing love.
160 The entirety of Your word is truth,
and every one of Your right rulings will surely last forever.
161 Princes persecute me
without reason,
but my heart remains true and is awed by Your words.
162 I celebrate because of Your promise,
like someone who discovers great treasure.
163 I despise and abhor lies,
but I love Your law.
164 Seven times every day I praise You
because of Your right rulings.
165 Those who love Your law have an abundance of peace,
and nothing along their paths can cause them to stumble.
166 I wait for Your salvation, O Eternal One,
and I live out Your commands.
167 My soul is faithful to Your decrees,
and my love for them is extraordinary.
168 I live according to Your precepts and decrees
because everything I do is right before Your eyes.
but my heart remains true and is awed by Your words.
162 I celebrate because of Your promise,
like someone who discovers great treasure.
163 I despise and abhor lies,
but I love Your law.
164 Seven times every day I praise You
because of Your right rulings.
165 Those who love Your law have an abundance of peace,
and nothing along their paths can cause them to stumble.
166 I wait for Your salvation, O Eternal One,
and I live out Your commands.
167 My soul is faithful to Your decrees,
and my love for them is extraordinary.
168 I live according to Your precepts and decrees
because everything I do is right before Your eyes.
169 Let my cry come before You,
O Eternal One.
Grant me understanding in keeping with Your word.
170 Let my plea come before You;
liberate me in keeping with Your word.
171 Praise will pour from my lips
because You help me learn what You require.
172 My tongue will sing of Your word
because every command of Yours is right.
173 Let Your hand be poised to help me
because I have chosen to live by Your precepts.
174 I long for Your salvation, O Eternal One.
Meanwhile, Your teaching brings me great joy.
175 Let my soul live on so that I may praise You,
and let Your precepts guide me.
176 I have wandered down the wrong path like a lost sheep; come find me, Your servant,
because I do not forget Your commands.
Grant me understanding in keeping with Your word.
170 Let my plea come before You;
liberate me in keeping with Your word.
171 Praise will pour from my lips
because You help me learn what You require.
172 My tongue will sing of Your word
because every command of Yours is right.
173 Let Your hand be poised to help me
because I have chosen to live by Your precepts.
174 I long for Your salvation, O Eternal One.
Meanwhile, Your teaching brings me great joy.
175 Let my soul live on so that I may praise You,
and let Your precepts guide me.
176 I have wandered down the wrong path like a lost sheep; come find me, Your servant,
because I do not forget Your commands.
* * * *
Псалтирь 119:145-176 (118:145-176)
Psalm 119:145-176 – Russian Synodal Version
(118-145) Взываю всем
сердцем [моим]: услышь меня, Господи, --и сохраню уставы Твои.
146 (118-146) Призываю Тебя: спаси меня, и буду хранить
откровения Твои.
147 (118-147) Предваряю рассвет и взываю; на слово Твое
148 (118-148) Очи мои предваряют [утреннюю] стражу, чтобы мне
углубляться в слово Твое.
149 (118-149) Услышь голос мой по милости Твоей, Господи; по
суду Твоему оживи меня.
150 (118-150) Приблизились замышляющие лукавство; далеки они
от закона Твоего.
151 (118-151) Близок Ты, Господи, и все заповеди
152 (118-152) Издавна узнал я об откровениях Твоих, что Ты
утвердил их на веки.
153 (118-153) Воззри на бедствие мое и избавь меня, ибо я не
забываю закона Твоего.
154 (118-154) Вступись в дело мое и защити меня; по слову
Твоему оживи меня.
155 (118-155) Далеко от нечестивых спасение, ибо они уставов
Твоих не ищут.
156 (118-156) Много щедрот Твоих, Господи; по суду Твоему
оживи меня.
157 (118-157) Много у меня гонителей и врагов, [но] от
откровений Твоих я не удаляюсь.
158 (118-158) Вижу отступников, и сокрушаюсь, ибо они не
хранят слова Твоего.
159 (118-159) Зри, как я люблю повеления Твои; по милости
Твоей, Господи, оживи меня.
160 (118-160) Основание слова Твоего истинно, и вечен всякий
суд правды Твоей.
161 (118-161) Князья гонят меня безвинно, но сердце мое
боится слова Твоего.
162 (118-162) Радуюсь я слову Твоему, как получивший великую
163 (118-163) Ненавижу ложь и гнушаюсь ею; закон же Твой
164 (118-164) Семикратно в день прославляю Тебя за суды
правды Твоей.
165 (118-165) Велик мир у любящих закон Твой, и нет им
166 (118-166) Уповаю на спасение Твое, Господи, и заповеди
Твои исполняю.
167 (118-167) Душа моя хранит откровения Твои, и я люблю их
168 (118-168) Храню повеления Твои и откровения Твои, ибо все
пути мои пред Тобою.
169 (118-169) Да приблизится вопль мой пред лице Твое,
Господи; по слову Твоему вразуми меня.
170 (118-170) Да придет моление мое пред лице Твое; по слову
Твоему избавь меня.
171 (118-171) Уста мои произнесут хвалу, когда Ты научишь
меня уставам Твоим.
172 (118-172) Язык мой возгласит слово Твое, ибо все заповеди
Твои праведны.
173 (118-173) Да будет рука Твоя в помощь мне, ибо я
повеления Твои избрал.
174 (118-174) Жажду спасения Твоего, Господи, и закон
Твой--утешение мое.
175 (118-175) Да живет душа моя и славит Тебя, и суды Твои да
помогут мне.
176 (118-176) Я заблудился, как овца потерянная: взыщи раба
Твоего, ибо я заповедей Твоих не забыл.
* * * *
Psalm 128 – The Voice
A song for those journeying to worship.
1 Those
who stand in awe of the Eternal—
who follow wherever He leads, committed in their hearts—experience His blessings!
2 God will use your hard work to provide you food.
You will prosper in your labor, and it will go well for you.
who follow wherever He leads, committed in their hearts—experience His blessings!
2 God will use your hard work to provide you food.
You will prosper in your labor, and it will go well for you.
3 Your
wife will be like a healthy vine producing plenty of fruit,
a spring of life in your home.
Your children will be like young olive shoots;
you will watch them bud and bloom around your table.
4 Such are the blessings the Eternal lavishes
on those who stand in awe of Him!
a spring of life in your home.
Your children will be like young olive shoots;
you will watch them bud and bloom around your table.
4 Such are the blessings the Eternal lavishes
on those who stand in awe of Him!
5 May
the Eternal continue to pour out His love on you,
showering down blessings from His holy mountain, Zion.
May you see Jerusalem prosper
all your days.
6 May you have the privilege of seeing your grandchildren as they grow.
May peace flourish in Israel!
showering down blessings from His holy mountain, Zion.
May you see Jerusalem prosper
all your days.
6 May you have the privilege of seeing your grandchildren as they grow.
May peace flourish in Israel!
* * * *
Псалтирь 128 (127)
Psalm 128 – Russian Synodal Version
(127-1) ^^Песнь
восхождения.^^ Блажен всякий боящийся Господа, ходящий путями Его!
2 (127-2) Ты будешь есть от трудов рук твоих: блажен ты, и
благо тебе!
3 (127-3) Жена твоя, как плодовитая лоза, в доме твоем;
сыновья твои, как масличные ветви, вокруг трапезы твоей:
4 (127-4) так благословится человек, боящийся Господа!
5 (127-5) Благословит тебя Господь с Сиона, и увидишь
благоденствие Иерусалима во все дни жизни твоей;
6 (127-6) увидишь сыновей у сыновей твоих. Мир на Израиля
* * *
Psalm 129 – The Voice
A song for those journeying to worship.
1 “This
is not the first time my enemies assaulted me;
they have often attacked me since I was young.”
So let Israel now proclaim,
2 “This is not the first time my enemies assaulted me;
they have attacked me since I was young,
and yet they have not been able to overpower me.
3 The plowers plowed over me;
they plowed their furrows deep and long down my back.”
4 The Eternal is just.
He’s severed the bindings of the wicked so they can’t hurt me anymore.
5 May all who despise Zion
hang their heads in shame.
May all who despise Zion recoil and run away.
6 Let them grow like grass upon rooftops
that withers and dies in the sun long before it has time to grow,
7 Unfit to be harvested by the worker,
not worthy of the effort to carry off to the binder.
8 Unwanted, uncared for—no passersby to greet them, no one to say,
“May the favor of the Eternal be upon you;
We bless you in His name.”
they have often attacked me since I was young.”
So let Israel now proclaim,
2 “This is not the first time my enemies assaulted me;
they have attacked me since I was young,
and yet they have not been able to overpower me.
3 The plowers plowed over me;
they plowed their furrows deep and long down my back.”
4 The Eternal is just.
He’s severed the bindings of the wicked so they can’t hurt me anymore.
5 May all who despise Zion
hang their heads in shame.
May all who despise Zion recoil and run away.
6 Let them grow like grass upon rooftops
that withers and dies in the sun long before it has time to grow,
7 Unfit to be harvested by the worker,
not worthy of the effort to carry off to the binder.
8 Unwanted, uncared for—no passersby to greet them, no one to say,
“May the favor of the Eternal be upon you;
We bless you in His name.”
* * * *
Псалтирь 129 (128)
Psalm 129 – Russian Synodal Version
(128-1) ^^Песнь
восхождения.^^ Много теснили меня от юности моей, да скажет Израиль:
2 (128-2) много теснили меня от юности
моей, но не одолели меня.
3 (128-3) На хребте моем орали оратаи,
проводили длинные борозды свои.
4 (128-4) Но Господь праведен: Он
рассек узы нечестивых.
5 (128-5) Да постыдятся и обратятся
назад все ненавидящие Сион!
6 (128-6) Да будут, как трава на
кровлях, которая прежде, нежели будет исторгнута, засыхает,
7 (128-7) которою жнец не наполнит
руки своей, и вяжущий снопы--горсти своей;
8 (128-8) и проходящие мимо не скажут:
'благословение Господне на вас; благословляем вас именем Господним!'
* * * *
Psalm 130 – The Voice
A song for those journeying to worship.
1 From
the depths of disaster I appeal to You, O Eternal One:
2 Lord, hear my cry!
Attune Your ears to my humble prayer!
2 Lord, hear my cry!
Attune Your ears to my humble prayer!
3 If You, Eternal One, recorded each offense,
Lord, who on earth could stand innocent?
4 But with You forgiveness exists;
that’s why true respect of You might flow.
Lord, who on earth could stand innocent?
4 But with You forgiveness exists;
that’s why true respect of You might flow.
5 So I wait for the Eternal—my soul awaits rescue—
and I put my hope in His transforming word.
6 My soul waits for the Lord to break into the world
more than night watchmen expect the break of day,
even more than night watchmen expect the break of day.
and I put my hope in His transforming word.
6 My soul waits for the Lord to break into the world
more than night watchmen expect the break of day,
even more than night watchmen expect the break of day.
7 O Israel, ground your hope in the Eternal.
For in the Eternal lives the most loyal love,
and with Him comes the most abundant redemption.
8 He will ransom Israel
from all the sinful acts that stole you away.
For in the Eternal lives the most loyal love,
and with Him comes the most abundant redemption.
8 He will ransom Israel
from all the sinful acts that stole you away.
* * * *
Псалтирь 130 (129)
Psalm 130 – Russian Synodal Version
(129-1) ^^Песнь восхождения.^^ Из глубины взываю к Тебе, Господи.
2 (129-2) Господи! услышь голос мой.
Да будут уши Твои внимательны к голосу молений моих.
3 (129-3) Если Ты, Господи, будешь
замечать беззакония, --Господи! кто устоит?
4 (129-4) Но у Тебя прощение, да
благоговеют пред Тобою.
5 (129-5) Надеюсь на Господа, надеется
душа моя; на слово Его уповаю.
6 (129-6) Душа моя ожидает Господа
более, нежели стражи--утра, более, нежели стражи--утра.
7 (129-7) Да уповает Израиль на
Господа, ибо у Господа милость и многое у Него избавление,
8 (129-8) и Он избавит Израиля от всех
беззаконий его.
Hebrew Bible
Exodus 7:8-24 – The Voice
8 The
Eternal then continued His instructions to Moses and Aaron.
One: 9 When Pharaoh says, “Do
something wondrous to prove yourselves,” then, Moses, tell Aaron,
“Take your staff and toss it at Pharaoh’s feet, and it will be transformed into
a snake.”
10 So Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and did exactly what
the Eternal told them to do. Aaron threw his staff down before Pharaoh and his
servants, and it was transformed into a snake.
11 Pharaoh then sent for all the sages and sorcerers; and the most talented magicians in Egypt stepped up and performed the same act with their own incantations. 12 Each magician threw down his staff, and each staff turned into a snake. But Aaron’s staff devoured all of the other staffs. 13 And still Pharaoh’s heart was as hard as stone; he did not pay any attention to what Moses and Aaron said, just as the Eternal had predicted.
One (to Moses): 14 Pharaoh’s
heart is as hard as stone. He refuses to release My
people. 15 Go visit him again
in the morning when he is walking out to the water. Wait for him along the bank
of the Nile and carry the staff which turned into a snake. 16 Give Pharaoh My message: “The Eternal One, the
God of the Hebrews, has sent me to you: ‘Release My people, so that they may
serve Me in the desert. You have not paid any attention until now. 17 You will know that I am the Eternal by the next
miracle I am going to perform. I will strike the water of the Nile with
this staff that is in my hand, and the water will be turned into blood. 18 The fish in the Nile will die, and this river
will be fouled with the rotting mess so that the Egyptians will no
longer be able to drink from it.’” 19 Give
this instruction to Aaron: “Take your staff in hand and raise it over all
the waters of Egypt—over the rivers, canals, ponds, and lakes—so that the water
will be turned into blood. Blood will appear throughout the land of Egypt, even
in the water kept in wooden and stone vessels.”
20 Moses and Aaron did exactly as the Eternal had
instructed. In full view of Pharaoh and all of his servants, Aaron raised his
staff and struck the water in the Nile. When he did, all the water
turned into blood. 21 The fish
that lived in the Nile began to die, and the river took on a foul smell. The
Egyptians were no longer able to drink from it. The water-turned-blood was
everywhere in the land of Egypt. 22 But
Pharaoh summoned the most talented magicians in Egypt who
performed the same act with their own incantations. So Pharaoh’s heart remained
as hard as stone, and he paid no attention to Moses and Aaron just as
the Eternal had predicted. 23 Then
Pharaoh turned and went back to his house without giving this wondrous
miracle a second thought.
24 The Egyptians had to dig wells along the edge of the Nile in order to have water to drink, because they were no longer able to drink from the Nile.
* * *
Исход 7:8-24
Exodus 7:8-24 – Russian Slovo Zhizny
Посох Аарона превращается в змею
8 Господь сказал Моисею и Аарону:9 – Когда фараон скажет вам: «Сотворите чудо», – скажи Аарону: «Возьми посох и брось его перед фараоном». Посох превратится в змею.
10 Моисей и Аарон пришли к фараону и сделали так, как повелел им Господь. Аарон бросил свой посох перед фараоном и его приближенными, и он превратился в змею.
11 Тогда фараон позвал мудрецов и чародеев, и египетские колдуны с помощью колдовства сделали то же самое. 12 Каждый бросил свой посох, и те превратились в змей; но посох Аарона проглотил их посохи. 13 Однако сердцем фараона завладело упрямство – он не послушал их, как и говорил Господь.
Первое наказание: превращение воды в кровь
14 Тогда Господь сказал Моисею:– Фараон упрям и отказывается отпустить народ. 15 Пойди к фараону утром, когда он выходит к реке. Возьми посох, который превращался в змею, и подожди царя Египта на берегу Нила. 16 Скажи ему: «Господь, Бог евреев, посылал меня сказать тебе:
“Отпусти Мой народ поклониться Мне в пустыне”. Но до сих пор ты не слушался.
17 Так говорит Господь: “Теперь ты узнаешь, что Я – Господь. Посохом, который у меня в руке, я ударю по воде Нила, и вода превратится в кровь. 18 Рыба в Ниле умрет, река станет зловонной, и египтяне не смогут пить из нее”».
19 Господь сказал Моисею:
– Скажи Аарону: «Возьми посох и протяни руку над водами Египта – над реками и каналами, над прудами и всеми водоемами: вода в них превратится в кровь. Кровь будет в Египте повсюду, даже в деревянных и каменных сосудах».
20 Моисей и Аарон сделали, как повелел им Господь. Аарон поднял посох на глазах у фараона и его приближенных, ударил по воде Нила, и она превратилась в кровь.
21 Рыба в Ниле умерла, и река стала такой зловонной, что египтяне не могли пить из нее. Кровь была повсюду в Египте. 22 Но египетские чародеи своим колдовством сделали то же самое. И сердцем фараона завладело упрямство. Он не послушал Моисея и Аарона, как и говорил Господь. 23 Царь Египта развернулся и ушел во дворец, даже не задумываясь об этом. 24 А египтяне стали копать колодцы вдоль Нила, чтобы добыть питьевую воду. Они не могли пить из реки.
2 Corinthians 2:14-3:6 – The
3 Are we back to page one? Do we need to gather some
recommendations to prove our validity to you? Or do we need to take your
letter of commendation to others to gain credibility? 2 You are our letter, every word burned onto our[a]
hearts to be read by everyone. 3 You
are the living letter of the Anointed One, the Liberating King, nurtured
by us and inscribed, not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God—a
letter too passionate to be chiseled onto stone tablets, but emblazoned
upon the human heart.
4 This is the kind of confidence we have in and through the Anointed toward our God. 5 Don’t be mistaken; in and of ourselves we know we have little to offer, but any competence or value we have comes from God. 6 Now God has equipped us to be capable servants of the new covenant, not by authority of the written law which only brings death, but by the Spirit who brings life.
- 3:2 Other manuscripts read “your hearts.”
* * *
2-е Коринфянам 2:14-3:6
2 Corinthians 2:14-3:6 – Russian Slovo Zhizny
Победа через Христа
14 Я благодарен Богу, Который всегда ведет нас в Своей триумфальной процессии в Христе и повсюду распространяет через нас благоухание познания о Нем. 15 Потому что мы для Бога благовоние, возжигаемое Христом, среди тех, кто принимает спасение, и тех, кто идет к погибели. 16 Для одних мы – запах смертоносный, для других – живительное благоухание. И кто способен на такое служение?! 17 При этом мы не торгуем вразнос Божьим словом, как это делают многие. Мы говорим искренне перед Богом в Христе как люди, посланные Богом.
3 Может показаться, что мы начинаем
хвалить самих себя. Но разве нуждаемся мы в рекомендательных письмах для вас
или же от вас, как в этом нуждаются другие?[a]
2 Вы сами – наше письмо: письмо, записанное в наших
сердцах, известное и читаемое всеми людьми. 3 Все видят, что вы письмо Христа, написанное в результате
нашего служения не чернилами, а Духом живого Бога, и не на каменных плитках, а
в человеческих сердцах.
4 Такую уверенность мы имеем через Христа перед Богом. 5 И не потому, что у нас самих есть нечто особенное, некая заслуга; наши способности исключительно от Бога.
6 Он наделил нас способностью быть служителями нового завета. Данный завет – это не писаный Закон, нет, но оно от Духа. Ведь буква убивает, а Дух дает жизнь.
- 2-е Коринфянам 3:1 По всей вероятности лжеучители, оппоненты Павла, имели с собой какие-то рекомендательные письма.
Mark 10:1-16 – The Voice
From there Jesus traveled
to Judea and beyond the Jordan River; He taught the crowds who gathered as was
His custom.
2 Some Pharisees came to Him
to test Him on His adherence to the law of Moses.
Pharisees: Is it lawful for a husband
to divorce his wife?
Jesus: 3 What did
Moses say to you?
Pharisees: 4 Moses
permitted us to write a certificate of dismissal and divorce her.[a]
Jesus: 5 Moses
gave you this law as a concession because of the hardness of your
6 But truly, God created humans male and female in the
7 As it is written in the Hebrew Scriptures, “For this
reason, a man will leave his father and mother [to marry his wife],[c]
8 and the two of them will become one flesh and blood.”[d]
So they are no longer two people, but one. 9 What God has
joined together in this way, no one may sever.
10 In the privacy of their
dwelling that evening, the disciples asked Him about this teaching, 11 and
He went even further.
Jesus: If any husband divorces
his wife and then marries another woman, he commits adultery against her. 12 And
if a wife should divorce her husband and marry another, then she commits
adultery against him.
The Pharisees hope to trip
Jesus. Instead of taking a side, Jesus goes to the purpose and meaning of
marriage: not just from a social but a spiritual perspective.
13 When the crowd gathered
the people brought their children to see Jesus, hoping that He might grant
them His blessing through His touch.
His disciples turned them
all away; 14 but when Jesus saw this, He was incensed.
Jesus (to the disciples):
Let the children come to Me, and don’t ever stand in their way, for this is
what the kingdom of God is all about. 15 Truly anyone who
doesn’t accept the kingdom of God as a little child does can never enter it.
16 Jesus gathered the children
in His arms, and He laid His hands on them to bless them.
- 10:4 Deuteronomy 24:1
- 10:6 Genesis 1:27; 5:2; the Hebrew name for the Book of Genesis is “In the beginning.”
- 10:7 Some of the earliest manuscripts omit this portion.
- 10:7–8 Genesis 2:24
* * * *
Mark 10:1-16 – Russian Slovo Zhizny
Учение Иисуса о браке и разводе
(Мат. 19:1-9)
10 Иисус встал и направился оттуда в Иудею и в земли за
Иорданом[a]. К Нему опять сходились толпы, и
Он, как обычно, учил их. 2 К Нему подошли фарисеи и, чтобы поймать Его на слове,
– Разрешено ли мужу разводиться с женой?
3 – А что вам повелел Моисей? – спросил в ответ Иисус.
4 Они ответили:
– Моисей разрешил давать жене разводное письмо и отпускать ее[b].
5 – Это повеление дано вам из-за жестокости ваших сердец, – ответил Иисус. – 6 А в начале творения Бог «сотворил их мужчиной и женщиной»[c]. 7 «Поэтому оставит человек отца и мать и соединится со своей женой, 8 и двое станут одной плотью»[d]. Так что их уже не двое, они – одна плоть. 9 Итак, что Бог соединил, то человек не должен разделять.
10 Позже, в доме, ученики опять спросили Иисуса об этом. 11 Он ответил им так:
– Каждый, кто разводится со своей женой и женится на другой, нарушает супружескую верность. 12 И если жена разводится со своим мужем и выходит замуж за другого, она также нарушает супружескую верность.
Иисус благословляет маленьких детей
(Мат. 19:13-15; Лк. 18:15-17)
13 К Иисусу приносили детей, чтобы Он прикоснулся к ним. А ученики их бранили.14 Но когда Иисус это увидел, Он рассердился и сказал:
– Пусть дети приходят ко Мне, не запрещайте им, потому что таким, как они, принадлежит Божье Царство. 15 Говорю вам истину: кто не примет Божье Царство, как ребенок, тот не войдет в него.
16 И обняв детей, Он благословлял их, возлагая на них руки.
- От Марка 10:1 Или: «Иисус направился оттуда по восточному берегу Иордана в Иудею».
- От Марка 10:4 См. Втор. 24:1, 3.
- От Марка 10:6 См. Быт. 1:27; 5:2.
- От Марка 10:8 Быт. 2:24.
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