Saturday, January 5, 2013

Keep Seeking . . . Keep Hoping

Over and over I think how sad it is that there are people who do not know the love of God.  Maybe it is because they have met hypocritical people -- or they just think that people are hypocritical.  Maybe they have been spiritually abused -- or abused in other ways and believe the lies implied or told to them out-right . . . that they are not wanted, not loved, not worth anything.

I am here to tell you that even if you think that NO ONE loves you, that you are not worth anything, or that there is no such thing as a loving God, all of that is a bunch of lies.  You were created to be loved in the most wonderful way possible.

If you think you have to earn love, let me tell you one other thing, please -- True love cannot be earned.  Anything that masquerades as love that has to be bought or earned IS NOT LOVE.

Love is a gift.  It only exists when it can be shared.  You are priceless.  Your life was given to you as a gift because all that is love wanted  and wants to share the fullness of love, the beauty of creation, the wonder of loving relationships, the joy of life with you.

Sometimes people are born into families with people who are wounded or who have chosen evil as a way of life because of some kind of twisted desire for power or domination.  When a child comes into the world under that kind oppression, it is very difficult for the child or the adult that child becomes to find freedom, peace, joy and love.

It's the same thing as a baby that is born in a prison dungeon.  How can that baby grow up to know how to escape that dungeon -- the only "reality" the child has ever known?

There must be a rescuer.  There must be a deliverer.  And the deliverer must know how to get to the child, how to get the child out and how to defeat the powers of evil that have imprisoned and oppressed the child.

But how can the child trust the deliverer?  What gives the child the courage to believe that there is some other reality?

I believe we are all born with the knowledge somewhere inside of us that love exists.  If the child or adult who has been the oppressed, battered and abused child is able to believe that love exists, there can be hope.  And hope can be like a candle in the darkness.

If you just believe that there is something different from anything you have experienced when you have been hurt, oppressed, abandoned, it is like there is a light, but you cannot see it because it is faint and you have your back to it.

But even the faintest glimmer of hope that the light and love is there will keep people going.

If you are down in a shaft that slants down to where you are, you will not be able to see the light that is coming into the opening of the shaft until you start to go up.  The light is there, but you have to have some kind of idea that it is and that you will see it when you get to the right place.

Please keep searching and don't give up.

Your deliverer knows where you are and is coming for you.

The lover of your soul will not rest until you are found and brought out of the darkness into the light.

Indeed.  Hold onto the hope and whatever ability you have to believe that you are loved.

There is no wall too thick to keep out Love.

There is nothing you have done or that has been done to you that will turn love away.

You are loved not because of anything you have ever done or not done.  You are loved because the One who created you did so in order to love you and to share the wonder of creation and the beauty of life on earth with you.

Even if you have never wanted to believe that before now, I am begging you to open your heart just a little bit to the possibility that what I am writing is true.


Kathleen Ware Harris  © 2013

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