Saturday, January 19, 2013

Enchanted Geography

I posted something on FaceBook last night about how going through the grief of our Mom passing and all the ways life feels different was like traveling in some unfamiliar spiritual geography.

A friend wrote back to say that she understood that.

I keep trying to find familiar spiritual land marks, and of course there are some.  Just as certain pains might be associated with certain times of our lives, even in a new landscape there might be familiar flora and fauna in the spiritual landscape.

Sometimes something you "see" in your mind's eye, or in your dreams may hold the key to unlocking the mystery of the new place.

Karl Jung and Clarissa Pinkola Estes tell us that dreams and myths and stories always have the potential to teach us something about how to survive, endure and/or conquer one or more of life's little problems.  And maybe even the big problems.

So what are your favorite dreams, myths, stories, movies, books?

Do you identify with any of the characters?

Do you find yourself rejecting the plot and trying to change it the way we sometimes do when we become conscious of a dream we are dreaming in the Spiritual and psychological twilight between sleeping and waking>

For about two and a half years, I have been thinking about the opening line for a story.  It is something like this:

"By the time she realized it that putting a spell on Richard  by locking him up in spirit in the parallel world 'through the looking glass,' it was too late to do anything about it."

Let's play "The Next Line of the Story" game.

I'd love to see where this goes.

I think I already told you that I have no doubt read too many fairy tales, too many myths from cultures around the world, too much philosophy and definitely way too much theology.

So what do you think the next line of the story is?


Kathleen Ware Harris  © 2013

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