Psalm 78:1-39 – The Voice
A contemplative song[a] of Asaph.
1 O my
people, listen to me!
Hear my instruction; soak up every word of what I am about to tell you.
2 I will open my mouth in parables;
I will speak of ancient mysteries—
3 Things that we have heard about, things that we have known,
things which our ancestors declared to us again and again.
4 We will not keep these things secret from their children;
rather, we will tell the coming generation
All about the praise that is due to the Eternal One.
We will tell them all about His strength, power, and wonders.
Hear my instruction; soak up every word of what I am about to tell you.
2 I will open my mouth in parables;
I will speak of ancient mysteries—
3 Things that we have heard about, things that we have known,
things which our ancestors declared to us again and again.
4 We will not keep these things secret from their children;
rather, we will tell the coming generation
All about the praise that is due to the Eternal One.
We will tell them all about His strength, power, and wonders.
5 He gave His holy law to Jacob,
His teaching to the people of Israel,
Which He instructed our fathers
to pass down to their children
6 So that the coming generation would know them by heart,
even the children who are not yet born,
So that they might one day stand up and teach them to their children,
7 tell them to put their confidence and hope in God,
And never forget the wondrous things He has done.
They should obey His commandments always
8 And avoid following in the footsteps of their parents,
a hard-headed and rebellious generation—
A generation of uncultivated hearts,
whose spirits were unfaithful to God.
His teaching to the people of Israel,
Which He instructed our fathers
to pass down to their children
6 So that the coming generation would know them by heart,
even the children who are not yet born,
So that they might one day stand up and teach them to their children,
7 tell them to put their confidence and hope in God,
And never forget the wondrous things He has done.
They should obey His commandments always
8 And avoid following in the footsteps of their parents,
a hard-headed and rebellious generation—
A generation of uncultivated hearts,
whose spirits were unfaithful to God.
9 The sons of Ephraim were master archers, armed with all the
necessary equipment,
yet when the battle hour arrived, they ran away.
10 They were not loyal to their covenant with God;
they turned away and refused to walk in it;
11 They did not remember all the wondrous things He had done,
even the great miracles He had revealed to them.
12 He did miraculous things in the presence of their ancestors
as they made their way out of Egypt, through the fields of Zoan.
13 He split the sea and made them pass through it;
He made the waters to rise, forming a wall of water.
14 Every day He led them with a cloud;
every night, with a fiery light.
15 He cracked open rocks in the wilderness
and provided them with all the water they needed, as plentiful as the depths of the ocean.
16 He caused streams to burst forth from the rock,
waters to rush in like a river.
yet when the battle hour arrived, they ran away.
10 They were not loyal to their covenant with God;
they turned away and refused to walk in it;
11 They did not remember all the wondrous things He had done,
even the great miracles He had revealed to them.
12 He did miraculous things in the presence of their ancestors
as they made their way out of Egypt, through the fields of Zoan.
13 He split the sea and made them pass through it;
He made the waters to rise, forming a wall of water.
14 Every day He led them with a cloud;
every night, with a fiery light.
15 He cracked open rocks in the wilderness
and provided them with all the water they needed, as plentiful as the depths of the ocean.
16 He caused streams to burst forth from the rock,
waters to rush in like a river.
17 Even after witnessing all of these miracles, they still chose to
sin against God,
to act against the will of the Most High in the desert!
18 They tested God in their stubborn hearts
by demanding whatever food they happened to be craving.
19 Then they challenged God:
“Can God fill a table with food in the middle of the desert?
20 He split open the rock, and water gushed out;
streams and rivers were overflowing!
But can He also provide us with bread?
Can He supply meat to His sons and daughters?”
to act against the will of the Most High in the desert!
18 They tested God in their stubborn hearts
by demanding whatever food they happened to be craving.
19 Then they challenged God:
“Can God fill a table with food in the middle of the desert?
20 He split open the rock, and water gushed out;
streams and rivers were overflowing!
But can He also provide us with bread?
Can He supply meat to His sons and daughters?”
21 When the Eternal heard these words, He was furious;
His fiery anger erupted against Jacob;
His wrath grew against Israel.
22 This all happened because they did not trust God;
they did not have faith in His power to save them.
23 Nevertheless, He gave instructions to the clouds in the sky
and swung open heaven’s doors;
24 He showered them with manna to soothe their hungry bellies
and provided them with the bread of heaven.
25 (In that day mortals ate the bread of heavenly messengers.)
God provided them with plenty of food.
26 He stirred up the east wind and blew it through the sky.
With His might, He whipped the south wind into a storm;
27 Like dust from the sky, He caused meat to fall on them.
Birds, like sand on the seashore, fell to the earth.
28 They landed all about the camp,
all around their tents.
29 God’s people feasted on the food-blessings, and their stomachs were filled;
He gave them exactly what they desired.
30 But before their bellies were soothed,
while their mouths were still full of food,
31 God’s wrath came at them like a tidal wave
and swallowed some of the bravest, strongest among them
and quieted the youth of Israel.
His fiery anger erupted against Jacob;
His wrath grew against Israel.
22 This all happened because they did not trust God;
they did not have faith in His power to save them.
23 Nevertheless, He gave instructions to the clouds in the sky
and swung open heaven’s doors;
24 He showered them with manna to soothe their hungry bellies
and provided them with the bread of heaven.
25 (In that day mortals ate the bread of heavenly messengers.)
God provided them with plenty of food.
26 He stirred up the east wind and blew it through the sky.
With His might, He whipped the south wind into a storm;
27 Like dust from the sky, He caused meat to fall on them.
Birds, like sand on the seashore, fell to the earth.
28 They landed all about the camp,
all around their tents.
29 God’s people feasted on the food-blessings, and their stomachs were filled;
He gave them exactly what they desired.
30 But before their bellies were soothed,
while their mouths were still full of food,
31 God’s wrath came at them like a tidal wave
and swallowed some of the bravest, strongest among them
and quieted the youth of Israel.
32 Even after all this, they continued to sin
and still did not trust in Him
or in the incredible things He did.
33 So He abruptly ended their time; they vanished like a breath;
He ended their years suddenly, with terror.
34 After He took some of their lives,
those left turned back and sought God wholeheartedly.
35 After all they had endured, they remembered that God, the Most High,
was their Rock, their Redeemer,
36 But even then they tried to deceive Him with their words
and fool Him with a web of lies.
37 They were not consistently faithful to Him,
and they were untrue to their covenant with Him.
38 Yet by His great compassion,
He forgave them
and decided not to put an end to them.
Most of the time, He held back His anger
and did not unleash His wrath against them.
39 He was mindful that they were human, frail and fleeting,
like a wind that touches one’s skin for a moment, then vanishes.
and still did not trust in Him
or in the incredible things He did.
33 So He abruptly ended their time; they vanished like a breath;
He ended their years suddenly, with terror.
34 After He took some of their lives,
those left turned back and sought God wholeheartedly.
35 After all they had endured, they remembered that God, the Most High,
was their Rock, their Redeemer,
36 But even then they tried to deceive Him with their words
and fool Him with a web of lies.
37 They were not consistently faithful to Him,
and they were untrue to their covenant with Him.
38 Yet by His great compassion,
He forgave them
and decided not to put an end to them.
Most of the time, He held back His anger
and did not unleash His wrath against them.
39 He was mindful that they were human, frail and fleeting,
like a wind that touches one’s skin for a moment, then vanishes.
- 78:title Hebrew, maskil
* * * *
Псалтирь 78:1-39 (77:1-39)
Psalm 78:1-39 -- Russian Synodal Bible
(77-1) ^^Учение Асафа.^^
Внимай, народ мой, закону моему, приклоните ухо ваше к словам уст моих.
2 (77-2) Открою уста мои в притче и произнесу гадания
из древности.
3 (77-3) Что слышали мы и узнали, и отцы наши
рассказали нам,
4 (77-4) не скроем от детей их, возвещая роду
грядущему славу Господа, и силу Его, и чудеса Его, которые Он сотворил.
5 (77-5) Он постановил устав в Иакове и положил закон
в Израиле, который заповедал отцам нашим возвещать детям их,
6 (77-6) чтобы знал грядущий род, дети, которые родятся,
и чтобы они в свое время возвещали своим детям, --
7 (77-7) возлагать надежду свою на Бога и не забывать
дел Божиих, и хранить заповеди Его,
8 (77-8) и не быть подобными отцам их, роду упорному
и мятежному, неустроенному сердцем и неверному Богу духом своим.
9 (77-9) Сыны Ефремовы, вооруженные, стреляющие из
луков, обратились назад в день брани:
10 (77-10) они не сохранили завета Божия и отреклись
ходить в законе Его;
11 (77-11) забыли дела Его и чудеса, которые Он явил
12 (77-12) Он пред глазами отцов их сотворил чудеса в
земле Египетской, на поле Цоан:
13 (77-13) разделил море, и провел их чрез него, и
поставил воды стеною;
14 (77-14) и днем вел их облаком, а во всю ночь светом
15 (77-15) рассек камень в пустыне и напоил их, как из
великой бездны;
16 (77-16) из скалы извел потоки, и воды потекли, как
17 (77-17) Но они продолжали грешить пред Ним и
раздражать Всевышнего в пустыне:
18 (77-18) искушали Бога в сердце своем, требуя пищи
по душе своей,
19 (77-19) и говорили против Бога и сказали: 'может ли
Бог приготовить трапезу в пустыне?'
20 (77-20) Вот, Он ударил в камень, и потекли воды, и
полились ручьи. 'Может ли Он дать и хлеб, может ли приготовлять мясо народу
21 (77-21) Господь услышал и воспламенился гневом, и
огонь возгорелся на Иакова, и гнев подвигнулся на Израиля
22 (77-22) за то, что не веровали в Бога и не уповали
на спасение Его.
23 (77-23) Он повелел облакам свыше и отверз двери
24 (77-24) и одождил на них манну в пищу, и хлеб
небесный дал им.
25 (77-25) Хлеб ангельский ел человек; послал Он им
пищу до сытости.
26 (77-26) Он возбудил на небе восточный ветер и навел
южный силою Своею
27 (77-27) и, как пыль, одождил на них мясо и, как
песок морской, птиц пернатых:
28 (77-28) поверг их среди стана их, около жилищ их, --
29 (77-29) и они ели и пресытились; и желаемое ими дал
30 (77-30) Но еще не прошла прихоть их, еще пища была
в устах их,
31 (77-31) гнев Божий пришел на них, убил тучных их и
юношей Израилевых низложил.
32 (77-32) При всем этом они продолжали грешить и не
верили чудесам Его.
33 (77-33) И погубил дни их в суете и лета их в
34 (77-34) Когда Он убивал их, они искали Его и
обращались, и с раннего утра прибегали к Богу,
35 (77-35) и вспоминали, что Бог--их прибежище, и Бог
Всевышний--Избавитель их,
36 (77-36) и льстили Ему устами своими и языком своим
лгали пред Ним;
37 (77-37) сердце же их было неправо пред Ним, и они
не были верны завету Его.
38 (77-38) Но Он, Милостивый, прощал грех и не истреблял
их, многократно отвращал гнев Свой и не возбуждал всей ярости Своей:
39 (77-39) Он помнил, что они плоть, дыхание, которое
уходит и не возвращается.
* * * *
Psalm 78:40-72 – The Voice
Oh, how often they disobeyed Him in the
and frustrated Him during their time in the desert!
41 Over and over again, they tested God’s patience
and caused great pain for Israel’s Holy One.
42 They failed to be mindful of His great strength.
They forgot all about the day He saved them from the enemy,
43 When He displayed all sorts of signs and wonders in Egypt,
and all the amazing things He did in the region of Zoan[a]
44 When He transformed their rivers into blood
so that they could not drink from their streams.
45 He sent armies of flies to bite and torment them
and hordes of frogs to ruin and devastate them;
46 He handed over all of their crops to grasshoppers
and the fruit of all their labor to locusts;
47 He sent violent hailstorms, which smashed all their vines,
and ruined their sycamore-fig trees with biting frost.
48 He handed over all of their cattle to the hailstorms as well
and struck all their herds with lightning.
49 He poured His burning wrath upon them—
anger, resentment, and trouble—
sending a company of heavenly warriors to destroy them.
50 He carved out a road for His wrath;
He did not spare any from the sting of death
but handed them over to the fangs of the plague.
51 He killed all the firstborn of Egypt,
the first products of their manhood in the tents of Ham, the Egyptians’ ancestor.
52 But then He guided His people like sheep to safety
and led them like a flock into the desert to freedom;
53 He took them on a safe route so that they would not be afraid,
and He allowed the hungry sea to swallow all of their enemies.
54 He led them to His sacred land—
to this holy hill, which He had won by the power of His right hand.
55 He forced out the other nations which were living there before them,
and He redistributed the lands as an inheritance to His people;
He settled the tribes and families of Israel peaceably in their tents.
and frustrated Him during their time in the desert!
41 Over and over again, they tested God’s patience
and caused great pain for Israel’s Holy One.
42 They failed to be mindful of His great strength.
They forgot all about the day He saved them from the enemy,
43 When He displayed all sorts of signs and wonders in Egypt,
and all the amazing things He did in the region of Zoan[a]
44 When He transformed their rivers into blood
so that they could not drink from their streams.
45 He sent armies of flies to bite and torment them
and hordes of frogs to ruin and devastate them;
46 He handed over all of their crops to grasshoppers
and the fruit of all their labor to locusts;
47 He sent violent hailstorms, which smashed all their vines,
and ruined their sycamore-fig trees with biting frost.
48 He handed over all of their cattle to the hailstorms as well
and struck all their herds with lightning.
49 He poured His burning wrath upon them—
anger, resentment, and trouble—
sending a company of heavenly warriors to destroy them.
50 He carved out a road for His wrath;
He did not spare any from the sting of death
but handed them over to the fangs of the plague.
51 He killed all the firstborn of Egypt,
the first products of their manhood in the tents of Ham, the Egyptians’ ancestor.
52 But then He guided His people like sheep to safety
and led them like a flock into the desert to freedom;
53 He took them on a safe route so that they would not be afraid,
and He allowed the hungry sea to swallow all of their enemies.
54 He led them to His sacred land—
to this holy hill, which He had won by the power of His right hand.
55 He forced out the other nations which were living there before them,
and He redistributed the lands as an inheritance to His people;
He settled the tribes and families of Israel peaceably in their tents.
56 Even after all this, they disobeyed the Most High God
and tested His patience
and did not live by His commands.
57 Rather, they regressed to their fathers’ ways and lived faithlessly—disloyal traitors!
They were as undependable and untrustworthy as a defective bow,
58 For they triggered His wrath by setting up high places,
altars to strange gods in His land;
they aroused His jealousy by bowing down to idols in the shadow of His presence.
59 God boiled with wrath when He witnessed what they were doing;
He totally rejected Israel.
60 He deserted His own sanctuary at Shiloh,
the tent where He had lived in the midst of His people.
61 He handed His strength over to captivity;
He put His splendor under the enemy’s control.
62 He handed His people over to the sword,
and He was filled with anger toward His chosen ones;
He was burning with wrath!
63 A great fire consumed all the young men,
and the virgin girls were without the joy of their wedding songs.
64 Priests met their doom by the blade of a sword,
and widows had no tears to cry;
they could not weep.
65 Then the Lord awoke like a man who has been asleep,
like a warrior who has been overcome with wine.
66 He forced all His enemies back;
He defeated them, weighing them down with everlasting disgrace.
and tested His patience
and did not live by His commands.
57 Rather, they regressed to their fathers’ ways and lived faithlessly—disloyal traitors!
They were as undependable and untrustworthy as a defective bow,
58 For they triggered His wrath by setting up high places,
altars to strange gods in His land;
they aroused His jealousy by bowing down to idols in the shadow of His presence.
59 God boiled with wrath when He witnessed what they were doing;
He totally rejected Israel.
60 He deserted His own sanctuary at Shiloh,
the tent where He had lived in the midst of His people.
61 He handed His strength over to captivity;
He put His splendor under the enemy’s control.
62 He handed His people over to the sword,
and He was filled with anger toward His chosen ones;
He was burning with wrath!
63 A great fire consumed all the young men,
and the virgin girls were without the joy of their wedding songs.
64 Priests met their doom by the blade of a sword,
and widows had no tears to cry;
they could not weep.
65 Then the Lord awoke like a man who has been asleep,
like a warrior who has been overcome with wine.
66 He forced all His enemies back;
He defeated them, weighing them down with everlasting disgrace.
67 He even rejected the tent of Joseph as His home
and showed no favor toward the tribe of Ephraim.
68 Instead, He favored the tribe of Judah—
Mount Zion, the place He adored.
69 He built His sanctuary like the mountain heights;
like the earth, He created it to last forever.
70 He chose His servant David,
and called Him out of the sheep pastures.
71 From caring for the ewes, who gently nurse their young,
He called him to shepherd His people Jacob
and to look after Israel, His inheritance.
72 David shepherded them with the honor and integrity of his heart;
he led them in wisdom with strong and skillful hands.
and showed no favor toward the tribe of Ephraim.
68 Instead, He favored the tribe of Judah—
Mount Zion, the place He adored.
69 He built His sanctuary like the mountain heights;
like the earth, He created it to last forever.
70 He chose His servant David,
and called Him out of the sheep pastures.
71 From caring for the ewes, who gently nurse their young,
He called him to shepherd His people Jacob
and to look after Israel, His inheritance.
72 David shepherded them with the honor and integrity of his heart;
he led them in wisdom with strong and skillful hands.
- 78:43 Hebrew, Avaris
* * * *
Псалтирь 78:40-72 (77:40-72)
Psalm 78:40-72 -- Russian Synodal Bible
Сколько раз они раздражали Его в пустыне и прогневляли Его в [стране]
41 (77-41)
и снова искушали Бога и оскорбляли Святаго Израилева,
42 (77-42)
не помнили руки Его, дня, когда Он избавил их от угнетения,
43 (77-43)
когда сотворил в Египте знамения Свои и чудеса Свои на поле Цоан;
44 (77-44)
и превратил реки их и потоки их в кровь, чтобы они не могли пить;
45 (77-45)
послал на них насекомых, чтобы жалили их, и жаб, чтобы губили их;
46 (77-46)
земные произрастения их отдал гусенице и труд их--саранче;
47 (77-47)
виноград их побил градом и сикоморы их--льдом;
48 (77-48)
скот их предал граду и стада их--молниям;
49 (77-49)
послал на них пламень гнева Своего, и негодование, и ярость и бедствие,
посольство злых ангелов;
50 (77-50)
уравнял стезю гневу Своему, не охранял души их от смерти, и скот их предал
моровой язве;
51 (77-51)
поразил всякого первенца в Египте, начатки сил в шатрах Хамовых;
52 (77-52)
и повел народ Свой, как овец, и вел их, как стадо, пустынею;
53 (77-53)
вел их безопасно, и они не страшились, а врагов их покрыло море;
54 (77-54)
и привел их в область святую Свою, на гору сию, которую стяжала десница Его;
55 (77-55)
прогнал от лица их народы и землю их разделил в наследие им, и колена Израилевы
поселил в шатрах их.
56 (77-56)
Но они еще искушали и огорчали Бога Всевышнего, и уставов Его не сохраняли;
57 (77-57)
отступали и изменяли, как отцы их, обращались назад, как неверный лук;
58 (77-58)
огорчали Его высотами своими и истуканами своими возбуждали ревность Его.
59 (77-59)
Услышал Бог и воспламенился гневом и сильно вознегодовал на Израиля;
60 (77-60)
отринул жилище в Силоме, скинию, в которой обитал Он между человеками;
61 (77-61)
и отдал в плен крепость Свою и славу Свою в руки врага,
62 (77-62)
и предал мечу народ Свой и прогневался на наследие Свое.
63 (77-63)
Юношей его поедал огонь, и девицам его не пели брачных песен;
64 (77-64)
священники его падали от меча, и вдовы его не плакали.
65 (77-65)
Но, как бы от сна, воспрянул Господь, как бы исполин, побежденный вином,
66 (77-66)
и поразил врагов его в тыл, вечному сраму предал их;
67 (77-67)
и отверг шатер Иосифов и колена Ефремова не избрал,
68 (77-68)
а избрал колено Иудино, гору Сион, которую возлюбил.
69 (77-69)
И устроил, как небо, святилище Свое и, как землю, утвердил его навек,
70 (77-70)
и избрал Давида, раба Своего, и взял его от дворов овчих
71 (77-71)
и от доящих привел его пасти народ Свой, Иакова, и наследие Свое, Израиля.
72 (77-72)
И он пас их в чистоте сердца своего и руками мудрыми водил их.
Hebrew Bible
Genesis 45:1-15 – The Voice
Judah has come a long way. He is no longer
the selfish young man who conspired with his brothers to sell Joseph into
slavery (37:26–27). Though he knew that
decision would have a devastating effect on his father, Judah did not seem to
care. Nor is he the lustful man who propositioned the prostitute who happened
to be his daughter-in-law (38:1–30). Now he is different. His
priorities have changed. He is willing to sacrifice his freedom and future to
save his father the grief of losing Benjamin. Judah’s transformation is not
immediate; it takes years to accomplish. But his place in the family and his
selfless example impact the children of Israel for generations to come.
45 Then
Joseph could no longer keep his composure. The room was crowded with people so
he ordered his attendants:
Joseph: Send
everyone out of the room!
Joseph didn’t want anyone else in the room
when he finally told his brothers his true identity. 2 But he began to cry so loudly that the Egyptians
heard it, and the Pharaoh’s household heard it too! Joseph turned and
addressed his brothers:
Joseph: 3 I am Joseph. Is my father still alive?
But his brothers were too shocked to
speak. They couldn’t answer, for they were so overwhelmed that they were
standing in Joseph’s presence.
Joseph (to his brothers): 4 Come closer to me.
His brothers approached him cautiously.
Joseph: I am
your brother, Joseph, whom you sold into Egypt. 5 Don’t
be upset or angry with yourselves any longer because of what you did.
You see God sent me here ahead of you to preserve life. 6 For famine struck this land two years ago, and
there are five more years in which there will be no plowing or harvesting. 7 God sent me here ahead of you to make sure
you and your families survive this terrible ordeal and have a
remnant left on earth. 8 So it
wasn’t really you who sent me here, but God; the same God who made me an
advisor to Pharaoh, master of his household, and ruler over everyone in the
land of Egypt.
9 Hurry now, go to my father, and relay this message: “Here is what your
son Joseph says: ‘God has made me master over all Egypt. Come to me and don’t
delay. 10 I’ll arrange for
all of you to settle in the land of Goshen where you can be near me—you and all
of your children and grandchildren, as well as your flocks and herds and
everything you have. 11 I will
provide for you there. Since five more years of famine are still to come, I
will make sure your household and everything you have will not descend into
12 Now you see with your own eyes, and even my brother Benjamin sees, that
it is really I who speak to you even without an interpreter. 13 You must tell my father how honored I am here in
Egypt. Tell him everything you’ve seen here. Hurry. Bring my father here.
14 With that he fell upon his brother Benjamin’s neck. They embraced, and
both wept. 15 Then he kissed all
of his brothers one by one, cried on their shoulders as well, and
after that they talked for a time together.
* * * *
Бытие 45:1-15
Genesis 45:1-15 -- Russian Slovo Zhizny
Иосиф открывается своим братьям
45 Тогда Иосиф не мог более сдержать себя перед рабами и
– Уходите все прочь от
меня! – и никого не было с Иосифом, когда он открылся своим братьям.2 Он так громко зарыдал, что услышали египтяне, и слух об этом дошел до двора фараона.
3 Иосиф сказал братьям:
– Я – Иосиф! Жив ли еще мой отец?
Но братья ничего не могли ответить – так они были ошеломлены.
4 Тогда Иосиф сказал братьям:
– Подойдите же ко мне.
И когда они подошли, он сказал:
– Я – ваш брат Иосиф, которого вы продали в Египет! 5 Но не тревожьтесь и не обвиняйте больше себя за то, что продали меня сюда: это Бог послал меня перед вами для спасения вашей жизни. 6 Уже два года, как в стране голод, и еще пять лет не будет ни пахоты, ни жатвы. 7 Но Бог послал меня перед вами, чтобы сохранить ваш род на земле и великим избавлением спасти ваши жизни.
8 Итак, не вы послали меня сюда, но Бог: Он сделал меня отцом фараону, господином над всем его домом и правителем всего Египта. 9 Поспешите вернуться к моему отцу и скажите ему: «Вот что говорит твой сын Иосиф: “Бог сделал меня правителем всего Египта. Приходи ко мне, не медли; 10 ты будешь жить в области Гошен и будешь рядом со мной: и ты, и твои дети и внуки, и твой крупный и мелкий скот, и все, что у тебя есть. 11 Там я смогу прокормить тебя, ведь предстоят еще пять лет голода – а иначе и ты, и твой дом, и все, кто принадлежат тебе, будете в нужде”».
12 Вы видите своими глазами, и вы, и мой брат Вениамин, что это действительно я говорю с вами. 13 Расскажите же моему отцу о том, как я прославлен в Египте, и обо всем, что вы видели. И поскорее приведите сюда моего отца.
14 Он обнял своего брата Вениамина и заплакал, и Вениамин плакал, обнимая его. 15 Он поцеловал всех братьев и с плачем обнимал их. Потом братья беседовали с ним.
1 Corinthians 7:32-40 – The Voice
36 But I have this advice for every single man: If anyone thinks he is behaving badly toward his fiancée, if his desires prove to be too much for him, and if he feels they ought to marry, then he should do what he wants; it is not wrong to marry her. It is better that we let men and women in this situation do as they wish and get married. 37 If a man has no compulsion and chooses not to marry his fiancée, but commits himself to live a celibate life for the sake of following God and has the strength to live out his conviction, then he is doing a good thing. 38 So those who marry do a good thing, and they will share in a holy blessing; those who do not marry do an even better thing because they are part of an even greater blessing in the service of God.
39 A wife should stay by her husband’s side all of his life. But if he dies, she is free to marry any man she wishes as long as it is in the Lord. 40 You can likely guess that in my opinion this woman would be better off to remain single, and I think that I have this insight from God’s Spirit.
* * * *
1-е Коринфянам 7:32-40
1 Corinthians 7:32-40 -- Russian Slovo Zhizny
36 Если кто-либо из вас думает, что он поступает по отношению к своей дочери нехорошо, потому что годы ее идут, и он чувствует, что должен выдать ее замуж, то пусть такой человек поступает так, как считает правильным. Пусть выдает ее замуж, греха на нем никакого не будет. 37 Но если человек тверд в своем решении, если он не принуждаем, и если он властен в своей воле, то, решив в своем сердце оставить свою дочь девственницей, он поступит хорошо.. 38 Итак, кто выдает свою дочь замуж, поступает хорошо, кто же не выдает – поступает еще лучше.
39 Женщина на всю жизнь соединена со своим мужем, но, когда ее муж умирает, она свободна выходить замуж за кого хочет, главное, чтобы человек этот принадлежал Господу. 40 Но по моему мнению (а я думаю, что и я обладаю Духом Божьим), ей лучше было бы оставаться незамужней, так она будет счастливее.
Mark 6:1-13 – The Voice
Jesus at last arrives at the miracle He was
asked to perform: the healing of Jairus’s daughter. But He is too late—the girl
is already dead. Although Jesus later raises other dead people back to life, up
to this point He has not yet performed such a powerful miracle. No one has an
inkling of His power over the forces of life and death. He allows only His
closest disciples to see this first miracle of resurrection, and He urges everyone
who sees it to keep it quiet. Nevertheless, it is this miracle that first
demonstrates to those who see it that He does indeed have power over death
6 Jesus
went back into His own hometown where He had grown up, and His disciples
followed Him there. 2 When the Sabbath
came, He went into the synagogue in Nazareth and began to teach as He
had done elsewhere, and many of those who heard Him were astonished.
Those in the Synagogue: Where did He gain this wisdom? And what are all these stories we’ve been
hearing about the signs and healings He’s performed? Where did He get that
kind of power? 3 Isn’t this Jesus,
the little boy we used to see in Joseph’s carpenter shop? Didn’t He grow up
to be a carpenter just like His father? Isn’t He the son of Mary over
there and the brother of James, Joses, Judas, Simon, and their sisters? Who
does He think He is?
And when they had thought about it that way, they became indignant and closed themselves to His message.
Jesus (seeing this): 4 A prophet can find honor
anywhere except in his hometown, among his own people, and in his own household.
5 He could not do any of His great works among them except with a few of
the sick, whom He healed by laying His hands upon them. 6 He was amazed by the stubbornness of their unbelief.
Jesus went out among the villages teaching, 7 and He called the twelve to Him and began to
send them out in pairs. He gave them authority over unclean spirits 8 and instructed them to take nothing with them
but a staff: no money, no bread, no bag, 9 nothing
but the sandals on their feet and the coat[a] on their back.
Jesus: 10 When you go into a house, stay there until it is
time for you to leave that town. 11 And
if someone will not accept you and your message, when you leave, shake off the
dust of that place from your feet as a judgment against it. [On the day of
judgment, that city will wish for the punishment of Sodom and Gomorrah.][b]
12 And so His disciples went out into the countryside, preaching the
changed life[c] as Jesus had taught
them, 13 casting out unclean
spirits and anointing the sick with oil to heal them.
- 6:9 Literally, “not to wear two tunics”
- 6:11 Some of the earliest manuscripts omit this portion.
- 6:12 Literally, repentance
* * * *
От Марка 6:1-13
Mark 6:1-13 -- Russian Slovo Zhizny
«Не бывает пророк без чести, разве только в городе своем и в своем доме»
(Мат. 13:54-58; Лк. 4:16-30)
6 Иисус вместе с учениками ушел оттуда и пришел в Свой
родной город. 2 Когда наступила суббота, Он начал учить в синагоге.
Многие, слушая Его, удивлялись:
– Откуда это у Него? Кто
дал Ему такую мудрость? Как Он совершает такие чудеса? 3 Разве Он не плотник, не сын Марии, не брат Иакова,
Иосии, Иуды и Симона? И разве не здесь, у нас, живут Его сестры?И они отвергли Его. 4 Иисус же сказал им:
– Не бывает пророк без чести, разве только в городе своем и в своем доме.
5 И Он не мог совершить там ни одного чуда, лишь исцелил нескольких больных, возложив на них руки. 6 Он удивлялся неверию в этих людях.
Иисус посылает двенадцать учеников на служение
(Мат. 10:1,9-14; Лк. 9:1-6)
Иисус ходил по окрестным селениям и учил. 7 Он созвал двенадцать учеников и начал посылать их по двое, дав им власть над нечистыми духами. 8 Он повелел им ничего не брать с собой в дорогу, кроме посоха: ни хлеба, ни сумки, ни денег в поясе, 9 но обуваться в сандалии и не брать запасной одежды.10 – В какой бы дом вы ни вошли, – говорил Он им, – оставайтесь там до тех пор, пока не покинете это место. 11 А если где-либо вас не примут и не захотят слушать, то, уходя, отряхните пыль с ваших ног, пусть это будет свидетельством против них.
12 Ученики отправились в путь и проповедовали людям, призывая их к покаянию. 13 Они изгнали много демонов, и многих больных помазали оливковым маслом и исцелили.
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